
“Professional thorough review of current financial situation and also planning for future. His vast experience in the financial sector can only be a big asset to future clients.”



“Kenny is an financial savant. He knows more that most people I know, and can explain it all in plain English. He is accessible as an advisor and empathetic as a human being to the the challenges faced by everyday people. Kenny Meiring is what safe looks like. I trust him with my life.”



“Sound knowledge, qualified, astute, insightful with decades of industry experience.”



“Kenny has the unique ability to think both as a left brained and right brained individual. In the marketing world within the financial services industry that is invaluable.”



“Kenny’s insight, extensive knowledge and his ability to identify and capitalise on issues, trends and uncertainty in the financial services industry is unsurpassed. A great mentor, life student and all round good guy”



"Thank you so very much for your excellent advice and guidance and your warm caring service always. May God bless you"